Thursday, February 14, 2008

Questioning the Writers

How do you question a writer's assumptions, beliefs, intentions, and biases?

1. Use your thesaurus to look up the words: assumptions, intentions, biases, controversial.

2. Pick an article on a controversial topic like the primaries/ the war/ the economy.

3. Try to see the slant the writer is taking on the subject, e.g. Is he/she in favor of Obama or Clinton? Are they for the war or against it? How can you tell? What are their views on the economy?

4. Writers from different papers have different views. Why would a writer for the NY Times have a different slant than someone writing for the Daily News or the Village Voice?

5. Answer these questions in your blog entry today.

1 comment:

Teacher A said...

This sounds like an interesting lesson. I just might steal it.