Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Speak pp.141 -155

How do authors use symbols to express themes?

A theme is the main idea of the story, the discovery about life that we take away from it. Sometimes what a character has learned can be stated as the theme.

Wordsmiths: Define these words and see if they can be used to describe or be used as symbols: exterminators, tenacious, dominant, suffragettes, blight.

Character Hunters: Why is Ivy being nicer to Melinda? Why does Melinda feel she needs to follow Rachel around?

Historians: Melinda talks to herself about the phases she went through - name them and describe them. How is she changing?

DeepThinker: What could be a symbol in these chapters? How do they express a theme?

Memorable Quote: "Before the suffragettes came along, women were treated like dogs."

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