Friday, April 4, 2008

Speak pp.172 -186

How do authors use repetition (repeating language, actions, setting)?

Wordsmiths: Define these words and use them in sentences relating to the characters. symbolism, maladjusted, indentured, pervert, detonate.
What words/language does Melinda repeat first in her head, and then on a piece of paper written to Rachel?

Character Hunters: Why does Melinda repeat the remark Ivy made about Andy Evans on p.174?

Historian: Why does Heather come over to Melinda's house even though Heather told her they couldn't be friends anymore?

Deep Thinker: Why does Ivy want to show Melinda the stall in the bathroom? How does this repetition of language corroborate (look it up) our feelings toward Andy Evans?

Memorable Quote: " I didn't call the cops to break up the party, I called them because some guy raped me. Under the trees. I didn't know what to do."

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